Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Homework Blogging: Useful or Overkill?

Some students at Edina High School may notice a change at the beginning of the 2007-2008 school year, internet blogs. Internet blogs have been used for years by millions, to connect with family, friends, and other bloggers with common interests. To most, this pop culture trend is strictly a social connection, but in attempts to bring the technology "to the 21st century" the Edina High School administration has proposed the use of internet blogs in the classroom. These blogs are being used for all grades, and most classes. Students will post their homework assignments online instead of bringing them to class to be turned in. To some this is an easier way of completing homework, and avoids wasting paper. Is it too much for even today's computer savvy teens? At what point does the school draw a line between what's appropriate to keep outside of the classroom? Traditionally, these types of social utilities have been prohibited while using district computers. They are now becoming the trendy thing to use in classrooms, and time will tell if Edina's attempts to bring the curriculum up to date will actually benefit the students or go back to being an out of school trend.